Saturday, March 27, 2010

Football Kit - The Basics

A team's football kit can set it apart from other teams. Style is definitely a part of the culture of football, and many teams like to change their kit designs every couple of years to stay up with current trends. Most professional teams will have two or three kits that they wear in a season, ranging from the more traditional home uniform to more creative styles for their away and alternate uniforms. The most versatile part of the kit is the shirt, but there are accents that can be added to the shorts and socks to create different types of looks.

From Kids to Professionals
The basic football kit is the same no matter what level the game is played. It includes a jersey that has the player's number on the back for identification purposes, and sometimes includes the player's name as well. Modern football shorts are worn above the knee, and can be the same color as the shirt or an alternating color. Knee socks are generally worn, with knee pads included for extra protection. The most versatile part of the kit is the shoes, which may be any color or design depending on the preferences of the player.

Different Styles
Aside from the general makeup of the football kit, everything else about each team's uniform can be drastically different. Football teams will show off their individuality with shirts that have collars, laces, buttons, or V-necks. The colors and patterns of each team's shirt range from solid colors to intricate patterns that are computer generated. Some teams will use the different textures that can be achieved with modern materials to create patterns, like checkerboards, without using alternating colors. Stripes are a traditional option, especially the thin, vertical stripe. It is also popular to have short sleeves that are a different color than the body of the shirt.

Of course, the main purpose of a football kit is strictly practical. No matter how creatively they may be designed, they still serve an important purpose: comfort and easy identification. Player names and numbers are featured prominently on the backs of the shirts so that officials and fans can identify them quickly and easily. The colors of the shirts are usually bold and bright enough to be seen across the wide pitch so that players can find one another at a glance during the game. The materials used in football uniforms provide the maximum amount of cooling for the players, who prefer to wear the lightest and most breathable materials possible. Kneepads in the socks help to protect the most vulnerable part of a football player's body - the knees. A player's cleats are the key to his game, and can make the difference between a fabulous performance or a twisted ankle.

Football kits can be fashion statements, but it doesn't matter how good they look if they don't do the job. Combine the practical considerations of a good football uniform with the stylish nature of the designs and football is easily the most fashion forward game today.

Spring Cleaning, Even For Your Feet?

Weather is changing, although some snow flurries may keep us wondering, and is indicating that Spring is here and Summer is not far away.  As we enter the warmer season, we tend to use more sandals, flip flops or even go barefoot.  Feet that have been confined in shoes or boots are now again open to the air.  Often even in the spring or summer shoe, socks are discarded for the foot to "breathe" more easily.  At least this is what I am told on a regular basis.  So you are ready for spring and summer footwear, but are your feet ready?  Follow these five steps to "Spring Clean" your feet and  you will be ready.

1. Prepare The Nail:  Proper nail care can be important to how your feet feel and look.  Nails should be carefully trimmed, using care to avoid curving the nails (as we do with our hands) to avoid ingrowing of the nail borders.  If you choose to have a pedicure, ensure sterile tools are utilized, the foot bath is cleaned in front of you (or go first thing in the morning, when it is still clean) and don't allow them to dig too much down the edges.  Careful care of the nails can limit infection and pain.  In healthy toenails, painting of the nails may also be appropriate.  If you have any concerns about your nails, visit a foot or ankle specialist.

2. Air Out The Feet:  Fungal infections may present in the colder months, due to confining the foot to a shoe or boot.  Fungus thrive in moist, dark places and the shoe is the perfect breeding ground for fungal growth.  If your feet itch, crack or even stink, it may be a fungus that needs treatment to avoid embarrassment in your desired shoe gear.    Athlete's Foot (fungal infection of the skin) can be treated easily by a foot or ankle specialist and may respond to many topical treatments.

3. Lumps and Bumps:  If you have corns or calluses on your feet, treatment may be necessary to improve the appearance of your feet prior to "showing them off".  In fact, many will get pedicures for this purpose also.  Care should be exercised with pedicures, as instruments utilized must be sterile and injury should be avoided.  Other treatments that should be avoided include corn pads or callus removal applications, as they include acids that can cause injury to healthy tissue also.  Corns and calluses can be easily removed by a specialist, usually without pain or discomfort.

4. Moisture Is Your Friend:  Your feet will dry out more as you utilize open heeled shoes, sandals or even flip flops.  You may get "unattractive" changes to your feet, including thickening of hte skin, cracking or other changes.  Lotions should be utilized to augment the oil releases to the skin to help maintain moisture.  Most lotions, however, should be utilized 3-4 times a day to truly provide the necessary moisture.  Specialized lotions, such as Sween 24, can be utilized once a day to maintain the same moisture and limit the drying and cracking of the feet.

5. Exercise The Feet:  Depending on the shoes utilized, tendons may tighten in winter shoes.  The Achilles tendon is notorious (especially in women) for becoming tight due to even mild heels on winter shoes.  Increased heel heights can make this problem worse.  When you transfer from heeled shoe to flip flop, flat sandal or barefoot, heel or foot pain may be experienced.  Aggressive stretching of the ankles and feet will help prevent this pain that could present soon after starting to wear the Spring shoe gear.  If you are having difficulty with foot pain, or understanding how to stretch to reduce these problems, please visit a foot or ankle specialist for assistance.

Now you know how to "Spring Clean" your feet so that you can show them off in the new Spring shoes.

Improve My Memory? Is it Easy?

Lots of people for lots of years have been telling me to improve my memory. I told them I would and then went blithely on my forgetful way.

Little did they know that strategic forgetting can be an excellent labor saving device.

Two things have changed my thinking on improving my memory. The first is that I actually began to forget words, struggling with word recall, which is a signal that my brain is reaching the status of Senior Brain, and the second was that my 11 year old boy has very astutely picked up on my forgetfulness as a labor saving device, and put it to excellent use, which is frustrating.

So to all of you who felt equally as frustrated with me, my apologies.

But before I could work with my son on the use of this strategy, I had to remember what his chores were, so I began to search improve my memory tools.

I remember (honest!) using the Harry Lorayne tools as a kid, searching for ways to become a super star, so I could have started there, using the traditional association and mnemomic tools, but didn't go that route because there have been some wonderful breakthroughs in understanding how the brain grows new brain cells, which is called neurogenesis, and how neurons, whether new or old, connect, which is called neuroplasticity.

It turns out that if I attend to my brain's fitness, I can make all the different kinds of memory more efficient and effective.

Sort of like working out the physical body in preparation for an athletic endeavor, I work out the brain for memory endeavors, by taking care of the pillars of brain fitness.

Those pillars are described clearly and conscisely by Simon Evans,Ph.D. and Paul Burghardt,Ph.D. who are neuroscientists at the University of Michigan in their easy to remember book Brainfit for Life.The pillars of brain fitness, and therefore the pillars of improving my memory are, physical activity/exercise, nutrition, including lots of antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acid, sleep, (yes, naps are good, but not on the job), stress management, and novel learning experiences.

If those pillars are attended to regularly, then neurons are poised to form new connections and to keep them, which is what memory is, simply a number of neurons connected.

A most interesting aspect of the pillars of brain fitness to me is the novel learning experience pillar, as most of the writers say that the kind of learning most helpful is the kind of learning we experience when learning a new language or new musical instrument, with increasing complexity, and appropriate levels of feedback.

If you are like me, you probably do not have a lot of free time to spend practicing a new instrument, or vocabulary lessons.

There are some computerized brain fitness tools that definitely fit the novel learning experience criterion and the 'improve my memory' criterion.

Very Interesting Computerized Improve My Memory Tools

Our theory here is that increased neurogenesis and neuroplasticity are very important aspects of improving your memory.

I have tried  some computerized brain fitness programs, because the research associated with them or done using them, in this case the IMPACT study and the PNAS research  is generating some positive vibrations from scientists and participants alike.

My experience with scheduling and practice varied with the tool I was trying out.  One program, very helpful for my word recall issue, required an hour a day for 40 days, which could be a bit difficult to keep up with, and another required one half hour for nineteen days, and that one taught me how fast my attention wanders.

The latter program is marketed as a tool which will increase fluid intelligence, and as an older parent with active, noisy kids and a cingulate gyrus that can get stuck, anything that helps me sort through many competing noises without locking up my brain in a headache is something I am very grateful for.

There are many other computerized brain fitness tools on the market, and I know we will soon be seeing brain fitness and memory fitness trainers out there soon.

Just don't forget that improving your memory requires that all the pillars of brain fitness get handled, not just the novel learning experience.

Now did I forget where the vacuum is or did my son?

Five MLM Free Leads Tips

Using the tips below for free network marketing leads can really help to get your business opportunity in front of interested prospects on a consistent basis. These are people who are already interested in what you are offering. You just need to get them to take the next step, purchase your product, in other words, 'convert'

The below free leads tips can help you through the process that successful network marketers have used to build their downlines and profitable network marketing organizations.

Anyone who is involved in an internet home-based industry can vouch for the fact that the cut-throat competition keeps you on your toes. To step into this arena, if you can get free MLM leads on a regular basis, you will really be ahead of the game.

If you're new to this industry or have not tasted success yet you need to know that 95% to 97% of the leads you obtain will never convert and join your primary business opportunity and/or become part of your downline. Using free leads then is the best way to remove the cost problems of low conversion to lead ratio.

So if you're trying to make money online, here are five good free leads tips which are of premium importance.

Free Lead Tip #1:    Every free lead you get is valuable. Don’t give up trying to help them/convert them. It’s a numbers game.

Free Lead Tip #2:    Build relationships. Get your lead involved with something small to start with. It is easier to generate repeat business from an existing client than selling something big to a complete stranger for the first time.

Free Lead Tip #3:    Offer the prospect a solution to a problem plus a decent customer support system and you will be presenting yourself as a professional offering value. Business is essentially about relationships and people buy from people they trust and who have helped them.

Free Lead Tip #4:    With the right direction, the lead can learn to generate their own leads and business. Give them the right solutions now to get them started and they will continue to be loyal to you.

Free Lead Tip #5:    Keep replenishing your free leads so you can continue contacting, emailing or calling. It should be obvious that if you don't keep building up your leads, that eventually all your leads will be gone. Don't let this happen to you.

We sincerely hope these free network marketing leads tips will help you succeed.

How to hit the golf ball longer and straighter with your driver

The mechanics of a golf swing are more complex than perhaps that of any other sport on the planet. A good golf swing must be underpinned with sold fundamentals including solid grip, square alignment to the target, a solid base / stance, and a dynamic upright posture. For the purpose of this article I am going to assume that you have solid basic fundamentals.

Try a few of the following tips and determine which ones create the most dramatic results. I can guarantee that you will begin to hit the ball further than you have ever done before.

Tip # 1 - Adopt a Stronger Grip

A neutral golf grip is when you can see 2 knuckles of your left hand / the hand at the top of the shaft. A weak grip is when you see less than 2 knuckles on the upper hand. This action tends to promote a fade or slice as the grip returns to neutral at impact thus ensuring the face is opened if the grip is weak. A strong grip is one in which you can see 3 or 4 knuckles on your left hand (for right handed golfers).

A good way to measure a strong grip is to make the "V's" formed by the thumb and index finger point towards your right shoulder. A strong grip will tend to promote a draw which every golfer knows is a top spin shot that travels much further.

This is especially true with their left hand. To achieve this you should see about three to four knuckles on your left hand. This gives you so much more leverage in terms of your wrist movement. You are able to wait to the last moment to release the club, which results in a surge of club head speed through impact.

Tip # 2 - Release Tensions in Your Hands and Arms

If you were to really tense up your leg muscles and attempt to run a race, you would not be able to walk very fast let alone say run. The muscles in your hands and arms are no different. The grip pressure is perhaps the most important element to eliminating a tense rigid swing. Grip pressure should be light but firm. Professional golfers have stated that you should grip the golf club with the same pressure as if you were:

Lightly squeezing a tube of tooth paste Holding a child's hand Holding a small bird in your hand Use which ever analogy is best for you but remember always be conscious of your grip pressure especially just before you commence your take away. It is literally not possible to grip a club too lightly. Your muscles will instinctively increase grip pressure throughout your swing to ensure the club does not fly out of your hands.

A light grip pressure will also have the positive effect of releasing tension in your arms. Build a few waggles into your pre-shot routine to further ensure there is no build up of tension.

You will be shocked an amazed how much further your ball will fly as a result of relaxed hand and arm muscles.

Tip # 3 - Increase the Width of Your Arc

Try this simple drill to realize the importance of the swing arc. Hold a golf ball in your hand 10 or so inches directly over your right shoulder. Now throw the ball as far as you can. You will notice the ball didn't travel very far. Now extend you right hand back as far as is comfortably possible and throw the ball as far as you can. You will notice that the ball traveled significantly further. Many amateur golfers fail to realize the importance of the width of the swing arc in determining the distance the ball flies.

Perhaps the best tip that I have come across for creating a wide powerful swing arc is that of Greg Normans. Greg Norman has long been one of the longest straightest drivers of the golf ball. His tip is simple and powerful. At your address position ensure your left arm and club shaft form a straight line down to the ball. Make sure there is no tension whatsoever in the hand or arm.

Now simply push your left elbow back away from the target. Keep pushing it back, back, back all the way. Sooner or later as your swing reaches the three quarter way position, somethings going to give and your wrist will automatically cock at the top. This business of an early wrist cock advocated by some of the games teachers doesn't work very well because it eliminates the extension of your arc which is a key source of power in the swing. With sufficient practice, this powerful technique will seriously increase your driving distance.

Tip # 4 - Delay the Club Head Release Through Impact

Many of the games greats will differ in their back swing but generate a very similar down swing sequence. Contrast "Jim Furyk" with "Tiger Woods". One swing attribute that they all have in common is a powerful late release of the club head (also known as club head lag). In my opinion the golfer with one of the most powerful late releases is "Sergio Garcia". He has a rather unorthodox back swing but a powerful late release ensures he hits the golf ball a long, long way. What I mean by late release of the golf club is a delayed uncocking/release of the wrists just before impact.

Many amateurs suffer from the dreaded 'casting' motion whereby they throw the club at the ball from the top of the swing. Thus they are releasing all their power long before the club ever nears the ball. In order to create a late release you should consciously focus on retaining your fully cocked wrists for as long as possible prior to impact. I have come across two excellent tips to achieve this goal. Please only use one or the other as you should never have two simultaneous swing thoughts prior to impact. The club head is moving too fast to execute more than one.

Insert a tee peg at the butt end of your shaft and focus on the mental image of trying to drive that tee peg into the back of the ball. In order to simplify this, think "drive butt of shaft down to back of ball". This will cause a very late release of your club and store up considerable power during the downswing.

Ernie Els advocates a late release maneuver created by Harvey Pennick called 'Golf's Magic Move'. To execute this technique, one you arrived at the top of your back swing think "right elbow down to right side". This effectively retains the wrist angle and ensures a late release into the back of the ball.

Tip # 5 - Increase Your Coil

This move is not for those who have a stiff, unsupple back or back problems in any sense of the word. One of the greatest power moves is the creation of coil by maximizing your shoulder turn and minimizing your hip turn. The further you can turn your shoulder and limit your hip turn the more wind up you generate in the backswing. This results in a powerful uncoiling in the downswing generating substantial power into the back of the ball. The effect is similar to wrapping an elastic band around your finger. The more tightly you wind it the faster it unwinds. A good mental image to achieve this goal is to imagine you are standing in a barrel of cement. Your legs and hips are thus restricted in their movement. Now focus on turning your back fully to the target. This will generate a powerful should turn on top of a minimal hip turn. You will create massive distance gains with this single tip alone.

Tip # 6 - Widen Your Stance, Retain Flex in Right Knee

In order to generate strong club head speed, you need a stable base to ensure it is correctly delivered to the back of the ball. Ensure the inside of your insteps are outside the width of your shoulders. To ensure the correct distance apart simply hang two clubs vertically from the outside of both shoulders. The club heads should be directly over the insteps in both feet.

Tip # 7 - Retain Flex in Right Knee

A critical element in the creation of a powerful golf swing is the retention of flex in the right knee in the back swing. If your right knee straightens it's like snapping the tension in the swing and all your power is immediately destroyed. A good tip is to bend the right knee and tilt it slightly in towards the ball. Focus on retaining this inward tilt throughout the back swing.

With practice you will build muscle memory and these swing changes will become a habit that will not require any conscious effort to execute. In the immortal words of John Daly "Grip it and Rip it."

Friday, March 26, 2010

How Each of Us Uses the Tools That Life Provides

The uniqueness of each individual can be seen very early in a baby's life.  Yes, he's got lots in common with all other human beings, but no one can settle on a decision whether his individual differences are based on the way his body looks, what he inherited from his family, or how great the contribution is from experience and education.

"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Some learned minds consider intelligence to be a fixed thing that we are born with and yet, we have seen the development in increased attention, in memory, in judgment and in our ability to unfold more intelligence than we were at our births. We have seen minds - starting with our own - become developed through training, experience and that unseen force called personal effort. We have seen some individuals exceed all that was expected of them.

Is there one way that is more accurate than any other in considering individual differences?  Business people have a settled sense about the contribution of genetics or environment when it comes to how productive their employees are, and about how to improve this performance.

Your philosophy about all this has a profound impact on your success. Your "I can't" concepts can lock you into your current spot and  you can move beyond that spot by changing to an "I can" concept.  You might surprise yourself.

If you have a set series of beliefs captioned "This Is How I AM" and you also hold the belief "This Is How's It's Always Going To Be", you have what is referred to as a fixed mindset.  You think: "This Is All I Can Accomplish." This mindset is limiting.

There is another way of being called the growth mindset.  The growth mindset can see opportunities; it knows about capabilities; it isn't afraid of being "caught out" deficient. The growth mindset thinks: I can change and grow through application and experience. Having a growth mindset works really well to foster more success in business, vs. having a fixed mindset.

It's not possible to see your own end point from here or how far you'll get along the progress time line, but if you believe "I can develop into much more" you'll move far along that line. These tips will help you achieve a growth mindset and then experience more success:

- Look for friends who will encourage you to stretch, to grow in areas formerly not even thought of.

- Decide that you will consciously work to go beyond where your achievements are right now.

- Promise yourself that you will persevere through thick and thin.

Even when my Big Dream looked impossible, I continued to search for ways to make it come true for me.  Having a group of friends that you can lean into will help you stay fresh, keep up with technology, use the concepts that others used to become successful.  I looked for folks ahead of me on the path so that I could augment improvements to help me get to my next bigger vision.  I found my perfect levels of rest, exercise, nutrition to support my own dreams.  I became aware of my own mindset when it came to improvement and that's what I'm sharing with you because it seems to have worked for me.  I'd love to think that these suggestions to absorb how wonderful you and your individual differences are and put these ideas to work to celebrate those differences.

The Top Ten "Must Have" Features in Today's Home

In an article just released, according to Market Watch, consumer experts told audiences at the Las Vegas Home Builders Show that homeowners here in the U.S want smaller homes and are more than willing to downsize from the McMansions of the past few years. Today buyers are ready to be authentic - realizing how their families really live.

Because of the uncertain times in this country staying home and nesting has become a booming business. It's important to find a sense of order from the chaos of the past years - and look to our homes to provide us with a sense of comfort, calm and contentment. A more casual approach to family living, entertaining and gathering is ranking high these days.

Here are the top 5 "Must-Have" features in both new and improved homes.

1. Large Kitchens, With an Island.

The kitchen is the heart of the home and takes on several roles throughout the course of the day. People love islands - it's where we prepare meals, our families gather, homework is shared, emails are answered and our work is done.

Kitchen islands provide the perfect surface for all these tasks and more. If you have the space, include an island in your kitchen plans. A great kitchen should yield a return on investment between 75 - 100%.

2. Energy Efficient Appliances, Insulation and Windows.

People want greener homes and product manufacturers are making it easier than ever for us to incorporate eco-friendly materials appliances and windows into our lives.

Whether your appliances need to be replaced or you're purchasing for your new and improved home, Energy Star appliances lead the way. Double and triple pane windows in all shapes and sizes immediately save you money on heating and cooling costs throughout the year.

3. Home Office/Studies.

Homeowners are spending more time working from home, and with the homepreneur trend growing people are opting for an extra space dedicated solely to operating their home-based business.

It seems that many folks would rather have a home office allocated and are willing to sacrifice a formal dining room if need be.

4. Main Floor Master Suite.

Access to the main floor is gaining in popularity.

Empty nesters and others, who no longer want to tackle stairs, prefer to have the master bedroom and bath retreat on the main floor level of the home. Immediate access to a gorgeous deck or patio outdoors also creates added living space and provides a quaint corner for morning coffee.

5. Outdoor Living Space.

People want to spend more time outside and need a peaceful oasis to unwind. Outdoor living spaces naturally transition the interior to the exterior - instantly expanding your living space.

Growing in popularity are wood-burning fireplaces, casual seating areas, hot tubs and outdoor kitchens - all of which add to the "vacation home" atmosphere - and it's all in your back yard.

The remaining 5 "Must Haves" to incorporate into your home are:

6. Ceiling fans

7. Master suite soaker tubs

8. Stone/brick exteriors

9. Community landscaping

10. Two car garages